Illinois Green Party Fall Conference - Submit Your Platform & Bylaws Proposals!
The Illinois Green Party Fall Conference (held October 28-29 in Springfield) will include membership votes on proposed changes to the ILGP Platform and Bylaws.
If you wish to propose a change to our Platform or Bylaws language, please submit your proposed change to [email protected] by the end of Friday, October 20th at the very latest, so that proposals can be compiled and distributed to the ILGP membership prior to the meeting.
Proposals must include:
- A short description of the proposed change, including all sections affected
- The current, existing language of the Platform or Bylaws section(s) that the proposed change would amend
- The new, proposed language that would replace the current language of the Platform or Bylaws
- Name, address, and email and phone contact of the proposal author(s)
The full text of the Bylaws and Platform can be found on the ILGP website. Voting on proposed amendments will take place during the Business Meeting section of the conference, held on Sunday, October 29th, from 9:00am - 3:00pm. All persons who have been ILGP members for at least three months at the time of the vote are eligible to participate.
If you have any questions regarding Platform/Bylaws changes or the Fall Conference, please contact [email protected]. And as always, we strongly encourage our members to sign up as Monthly Sustainers to help support our party-building and electoral organizing!
Geoffrey Cubbage
ILGP Secretary