Illinois Green Party Fall Conference
The time for the Illinois Green Party Fall Conference is almost upon us! This will be the second of our two statewide meetings in 2017.
Statewide membership meetings are the party's opportunity to host trainings, workshops, and seminars, as well as to vote on party business like Platform or Bylaws changes. As the Fall Meeting falls within the ballot access period for some offices, this will also be a chance for members to meet our candidates for office in the 2018 cycle.
A full schedule will be released soon, but we wanted to invite you to Save the Dates: Sat. October 28th & Sun. October 29th, in Springfield, IL.
Please RSVP and follow our website invite or Facebook event for details on schedule, lodgings, and more. The main program of events will take place Saturday, October 28th, at the Lincoln Library in Springfield, and party business/votes will take place Sunday, October 29th in the meeting room at the Mansion View Inn.
All ILGP members are welcome -- this is your chance to have a voice in the party's platform and decisions! We hope to see you all there.
Geoffrey Cubbage, Secretary
Illinois Green Party