Independence from Corporate Politics
Join us at the Green Party of California (GPCA) Assembly!
These are hard times, to say the least, but they are not unexpected. For each of the many recent devastating steps reversing decades of advances in human rights and democracy, we Greens can point to the actions or inactions of both corporate parties working hard behind the scenes to profit the billionaires who own them.
Yet, there is hope to work our way out of this, there is even a road map! The Green Party’s platform and policies are built on human values the vast majority of us share. With this roadmap, we can get there together.
If you want to join this journey and aren't yet registered GREEN, come aboard NOW. Because if we are to have a future at all, it is surely GREEN!
On this 4th of July, we acknowledge those who have historically suffered injustices since the inception of this country and also those who continue to pay the price of greed and corruption permeating our economy and our government.
We honor community organizers, mutual aid advocates, and all our Green Party members who by simply registering Green, declare independence from the politics of fear and division.
We acknowledge all Green candidates and office holders who work to serve their communities with integrity and accountability as they reject the influence of big corporations and lobbyists.
We hold our values and beliefs in defiance of systemic oppression and work to build resilient communities for the better world we know is possible.
#RegisterGreens #WeAreGreen
Join us at the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10
This General Assembly will be held by video teleconference, and all Greens are invited to attend. The registration fee will increase to $35 starting Tuesday, July 5th. Learn more HERE.
Join us to welcome Dr. Jill Stein and Ms. Margaret Kimberley who will discuss how Greens can play a pivotal role in building a powerful people's movement to save our world. We will also welcome the Left Unity Slate of 2022 candidates who will share their campaign experiences, we will hear updates from county representatives, engage in discussions, and much more.
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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