Independent and Third Party Voices - 2018 Elections and Beyond
Join the Green Party of Santa Clara County and our panel of speakers for a lively and interactive exchange of ideas and strategies on reclaiming our democracy with the growing voice of independent and third parties. We invite you to add your voice to this important conversation and learn about the work independent and third party candidates are doing in California and the nation.
Sharat Lin of the San José Peace and Justice Center will moderate the speakers’ opening presentations and the following discussions with audience questions and comments. Speakers presenting their perspectives for the 2018 elections and beyond will be:
Erik Rydberg — Green Party candidate for secretary of state and spokesperson for Calif. Greens
Gayle McLaughlin — Independent candidate for lieutenant governor, former mayor of Richmond and founder of Richmond Progressive Alliance
Gloria La Riva — Peace and Freedom Party candidate for governor, veteran social justice, anti-war and union activist and organizer, 2016 Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate for U.S. president
Nick Brana — Movement for a People's Party founder and director, national outreach coordinator for Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, and first electoral manager of Our Revolution
Sponsored by: Green Party of Santa Clara County, Movement for a People’s Party, Santa Clara County Peace and Freedom Party, and the South Bay Progressive Alliance.
This discussion is open to the public and admission is free but donations to SJPJC are welcome. The event will be live-streamed on Facebook and recorded for future viewing on YouTube.
The venue is wheelchair accessible. The 22, 23, 63, 64, 72, 73, and 522 Rapid bus lines stop within a short walk of the San José Peace and Justice Center, which is also 6-1/2 blocks from the Light Rail stop at Santa Clara & First.
Join Us at a Discussion Forum on December 12th!
San José Peace & Justice Center
7:30 - 9:30 pm at the
48 South Seventh Street San José, CA 95112