Information for media covering the Green Party's 2008 National Nominating Convention in Chicago, July 10-13
WASHINGTON, DC -- Organizers of the Green Party's 2008 National Nominating Convention are encouraging journalists who intend to cover the event to register at the Media Credentialing web page.
The convention, titled "Live Green, Vote Green," will take place July 10-13 in Chicago
For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, [email protected]
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, [email protected]
Ruth Weill, National Convention Coordinator
Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay, and Kat Swift are the four contenders for the Green presidential nomination.
44 Green candidates are competing for US House seats. Greens are also running for seven US Senate seats, with two contested nominations.
In elections taking place from January through mid May 2008, Green candidates have won 18 out of 30 local races, with a 60% win rate. The Green Party looks forward to running a record number of candidates for local, state, and national offices in the 2008 general election in November.
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