Indiana Green Party condemns capital violence
Indianapolis – The Indiana Green Party (INGP) condemns the violence that erupted at the Capitol Building. Direct physical violence is always unacceptable, and we must seek to move past partisanship and not fall prey to divide and conquer tactics that pit people against each other for the benefit of the powerful few.
The Green Party fully embraces nonviolent civil disobedience which has formed an important part of many struggles for justice over the years. We cannot continue allowing any violence to recklessly and egregiously endanger others
Indiana Green Party
January 7, 2021
Cassiday Moriarity, [email protected]
The INGP calls on its members, as well as allied organizations supporting peace and justice, to support nonviolent, democratic means to resolve these issues. The Green Party places nonviolence among its core values and will continue to work for a just, peaceful, and survivable future for the United States and all nations and peoples.
The INGP also calls for electoral reforms that must be quick and thorough, including universal paper ballots with automatic audits, truly nonpartisan and independent district drawing commissions, ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, public financing of campaigns, and open debates.
The INGP encourages you to join our Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Committee and bring RCV to Indiana so every vote not only counts but is represented in government. The next meeting is January 14th, 2021 at 8:30 pm via Zoom, Meeting ID: 930 7591 3152.
The INGP welcomes all to our next statewide meeting on January 28, 2021, at 8:30 pm via Zoom, Meeting ID: 944 0235 2622.
The INGP strives to live by the values of the Green movement. The Ten Key Values embody the INGP, and they guide all actions of the Party at all times:
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