Iowa Green Party Statement of Support for Stein Recount Effort
The Iowa Green Party expresses thanks and support for the recount effort that was initiated by Dr. Jill Stein, 2016 Green Party presidential candidate.
We thank Dr. Stein for creating an opportunity for elections researchers to gather data critical to uncovering technical and logistical problems, potential for electronic fraud, and voter suppression.
December 12, 2016
Iowa Green Party
Ted Pfeiff, co-chair – [email protected]
Wendy Barth, co-chair – [email protected]
Holly Hart, secretary – [email protected]; (319) 331-9616
While we do not lend credence to claims that this election was rigged, the facts are: that machine voting with no paper trail, statistical irregularities, cross-checking and other incidents of proven voter disenfranchisement have led to voter apathy, frustration and increasing distrust of our electoral system. The only way to fix these issues is to have a verifiable process where individuals have the confidence that their votes are being counted, and their ability to cast those votes is not hindered or impaired by unfair or undemocratic stumbling blocks designed to limit voter participation.
Resolving these issues will help ensure a healthy democracy where every vote is counted with accurate results. To this end, the Iowa Green Party advocates the use of verifiable paper ballots for all elections, and post-election randomly selected mandatory precinct audits.
We join other state Green Parties in expressing our appreciation to Dr. Stein for running a campaign that embodied the Green Party's Values, and offering the public an alternative to “politics and usual” with a “Green New Deal.”