Kicking off 2025
Here just a reminder for you!! The Green Party of Philadelphia(GPOP) is starting off the year with a social, games, and informational event on Monday, January 27, at Cresson Inn Bar, 114 Gay St Philadelphia, PA 19127 (Manayunk), any time between 4:30 and 7:30 PM. Green Party member, GPOP chair candidate, and Cresson Inn bartender(!) Alphonso Dashiell will be there to greet you. Stop by!
Then join us the following evening for an important general membership meeting, at 7 PM, Tuesday, January 28, Zoom link below! Topping the agenda will be discussion of our 2025 elections, for both the GPOP City Committee (like an executive cmte) and delegates to our state party (GPPA). City Cmte. positions include chair, membership secretary, recording secretary, treasurer, and three at-large positions (at least one of which will be devoted particularly to social media and other communications with the broad membership). We will discuss all these positions and also accept nominations, including self-nominations, at that time. If you are interesting in running, please take the opportunity to join the meeting, to demonstrate your commitment. We already have candidates for several of the positions; take the opportunity to throw your own hat into the ring! The vote will then follow at our February general membership meeting, on 2/25 at 7 PM, again, at the Zoom link below. The January meeting will also include open discussion of our plans for the coming year, concerning means to bring Greens out in numbers, to issues such as the genocide in Gaza, to preparation for any political candidacies.
Our first order of business is to reach out both to all the new local Greens and also to those who may have been on the voter rolls for some time, but have not participated beyond that. We are working on boosting our social media profile and keeping our website better up to date. But of course this makes a difference only if we can draw people’s eyes to those pages. We also need to share in the task of contacting new Greens, letting them know how they can get involved, listening to their interests, and, as they wish, getting them signed up for email updates and the like. Please contact the current GPOP chair, Belinda Davis ([email protected]), if you are interested in becoming more involved with this—and also tell your friends who might be interested!
Here is GPOP’s statement concerning the latest word on the Sixers’ stadium. Help us spread widely!
"We of the Green Party of Philadelphia have watched Mayor Parker's press conference in response to the decision that the 76ers will now remain in South Philadelphia. We are glad for this outcome, something we have demanded since the Chinatown plans were first announced.
But we are very concerned that there are many questions that remain unanswered. One question is: will Mayor Parker and her administration now respond in good faith to the many Know Your Rights requests that have been made, both before and after she became mayor? Will the residents of Chinatown—and the larger Philadelphia population—have a meaningful say in determining the future of the space, to ensure it meets the needs of our residents?
In the immediate future, we will watch carefully to see how the city will respond to the concerns and demands of the citizens of this city; we hope they will be more honest, transparent and more attuned to us, city residents, rather than to the billionaire owners of the 76ers, who do not live even in our city."
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