Latest News from the Pacific Green Party of Oregon
Register Now for the Convention May 25th at
Critical news: We have until May 28 to put the Green Party on the ballot in New York - we need DONATONS AND VOLUNTEERS for this final push.
Jill Stein will join us live at the May 25 nominating convention, Jasmine Sherman and other candidates are likely to join live as well. Update on student and alumni organizing for Justice in Palestine. Meet candidates, nominate electors to the national convention August 16-18. Consider running for office - more info at
Marnie For Real Change
Marnie Glickman, long time green running for Portland City council is the first candidate in District 2 to qualify for matching Funds. Read below and SAVE THE DATE- May 26, fundraising social in Portland (RSVP to receive the address - super cool backyard)
Organizers Need Your Support for Materials
Become a monthly subscriber; become involved with the Strategy Committee to further develop plans for 2024-2026
Donate now
One more week till the May 21st elections! Support the Mike Schmidt for DA campaign - wear your green hat
5/18 GOTV with Rep.Ruiz (12:00-2:00 PM) and canvass with SJO (4:00-6:30 PM); 5/19 GOTV (12:00-2:00 PM)
Be seen being Green!
The budget proposal for the City of Portland does not include sufficient funds to fully fund the campaigns for this critical year, when we are electing an entire new form of government.
A democratically elected city council, not bought by big money, is critical this year. They will have to govern while at the same time figure out how to function as a council.
Please write to city council members - and contact them personally if you have a direct contact. Here is a draft letter You can find their contact info here
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