Let's go!
As we power up for the next phase of this movement, I want to send you my deepest heartfelt gratitude. For you are a paragon of courage, the unstoppable force we need for an America and a world that works for all of us! Together we have changed history, and our work has only begun.
Despite the extraordinary effort to silence, smear and intimidate us, you stood strong to challenge genocide, endless war, oligarchy, inequality, climate collapse, rising fascism, nuclear armageddon and more.
You forced solutions into the election dialogue that would otherwise have been ignored - from a weapons embargo to end Israel’s genocide, to ending endless war, a $25 dollar minimum wage, rent control, Medicare for All, a real Green New Deal, reparations, land back, an end to mass incarceration and police violence, and ending the migration crisis by ending predatory US policies driving mass migration in the first place - from endless war and neo-colonialism to the war on drugs and more.
It is a tribute to you that we emerge with the third highest vote count in the race, some 770,000 votes and counting. In fact, among people-powered parties, we have the highest vote count of all, making us the leading political alternative - as we continue building collaboration across like-minded parties and movements. We also helped maintain Green ballot access in 17 states across the country, no small feat given the extraordinary effort to deny our ballot access.
We did all of this despite the most extreme propaganda and political repression I’ve seen in my lifetime: the DNC “war room” to smear and censor us; their “army of lawyers” to kick us off the ballot; their job postings to solicit spies and infiltrators; and for the first time ever, a billion-dollar campaign had to buy smear ads against a grassroots candidate. Every time their attack dogs pounced – like AOC, DNC chair Jaime Harrison, Thom Hartmann, Angela Rye, Mark Ruffalo and more – they were deservedly ridiculed on social media.
Don’t be discouraged by a vote count more distorted than ever by billionaire money, ballot access obstruction, censorship, disinformation, and fear-mongering. In ways that count the most, we emerge stronger than ever - in our resolve to keep building and in the breadth and depth of new partnerships with the Muslim American, Arab American, student, radical labor, immigrant and Black Liberation movements.
More than one in three eligible voters stayed home, rejecting both parties that have thrown them under the bus. These voters are largely young, low income and people of color. This is why Democrats worked so hard to disappear our campaign, fearing the potential for disenfranchised voters to discover a campaign fighting for them. Unaware of a people-powered option, millions of working people stayed home or swung to Trump. But Trump’s agenda of deportations and tariffs will cause massive economic chaos and inflation, while tax giveaways for the rich and obscene military expenditures will squander resources needed for health care, housing and climate survival. All of this will leave Americans more desperate than ever for a politics for working people. It’s only a matter of time and concerted outreach for us to reach voters hungry for what we’re offering.
Our campaign was never just about a single election - it has always been about building a lasting movement for change. That work continues, and I invite you to join us in taking the next steps.
Getting active with the Green Party is an important way for us to stay connected and keep up the momentum. You can connect with your state party, sign up for the national Green Party newsletter, and join a caucusthrough the embedded links. Through your state party, you can be appointed to a national working committee (including Ballot Access, Campaign Coordination, Diversity, Eco-Action, Fundraising, IT, Media, Outreach, Peace Action, Platform and more). Stay tuned for a labor committee and Muslim caucus currently being formed.
I hope you’ll get involved today so we can keep organizing together - and stay tuned for more to come on next steps!
This is not the end - it’s a new beginning. I’ll be in touch through ongoing social media, occasional emails, and a biweekly livestream beginning in the new year. As we face unprecedented crises threatening our rights, our lives, and life on Earth itself, by standing together, we can transform our world into one that truly works for all of us.
Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Your passion, commitment, and belief in this movement inspire me every day. Let’s keep the momentum going and build a future rooted in justice, sustainability, and peace.
Finally, I want to share a short video that captures the spirit of this campaign and what many of us believe lies ahead. Huge thanks to our amazing team member, Mar Kamal (@grinvites on Instagram) for this inspiration.
In gratitude,
Jill Stein
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