We're looking for a few good Greens
Because the Wisconsin Green Party is committed to real grassroots democracy, we believe in giving all our members the opportunity to participate in important decisions. We don't just want you to click on a petition; we want your ideas and your energy to help build a strong party for people, planet and peace over profit. So here's a few ways to get involved today:
If you're not already a dues-paying member of the WI Green Party, please join up right now! It's clear from the continued failure of politics as usual: we are the ones we've been waiting for, and it's up to us to build an independent movement for an America that works for all of us.
Once your membership is renewed, check out our Coordinating Council Election page for how to vote – and how to run – for our party's highest decision-making body. Don't wait - nominations are due January 18, and voting ends January 25.
Another way to get involved is to volunteer for one of our committees: Communications, Elections, Finance, IT, Membership, and Platform. See more information about our committees.
With local elections coming up and new opportunities to fight for the greater good, we welcome everyone across the state who shares our values of peace, justice, democracy and ecology to join the Green Party and step up into positions of responsibility.
Remember: we are the ones we've been waiting for!
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, WI Green Party
Wisconsin Green Party