Come to the Maryland and National Green Party Meetings
The Maryland Green Party and the national Green Party annual meetings will be held in June and July. This year the national meeting is in Newark, New Jersey so it will be convenient for Greens in Maryland. Please consider attending one or both. This is a great chance to socialize with other Greens and learn more about the party.
Please consider making a donation to the MGP so that we can continue to build the party!
Maryland State Assembly in Baltimore, June 24
Join us for the Maryland Green Party's annual State Assembly on June 24th in Baltimore City at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church. The event will take place from 10 AM to 4 PM.
We will have a selection of speakers, including the recently elected RAB Delegate of Douglass Homes, Rev. Annie Chambers (G). There also will be panels, group discussions, and workshops.
The main event will be the election of Officers to the State Coordinating Council's Steering Committee. These positions include two co-chairs, a treasurer, a secretary, and a membership coordinator. In addition, we will elect our Delegates (2) and Alternate Delegates to the Green National Committee (GNC) to represent Green Marylanders within the Green Party of the United States.
In order to vote, you must be registered Green. On-site registration will be made available.
When traveling, we encourage you to carpool or use public transportation. Parking spots may be found at the Baltimore City Green Party HQ only a block away from Lovely Lane:
100 E. 23rd Street
Baltimore Maryland 2121
A list of local eateries will be made available to participants, with options to accommodate all diets. We recommend you take this opportunity to network while you eat out with other Greens. Please plan accordingly, as no food will be provided at the event.
RSVP to our Facebook Event. This is not required, but it will help us plan accordingly with the space we have.
National Green Party Meeting in Newark, July 3-16
This year's Annual National Meeting of the Green Party of the United States will be held on the campus of the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, New Jersey.
The Green Party of New Jersey (GPNJ) is this year's host. GPNJ has organized local affiliates in Newark and Essex County. There will be several candidates running for local offices in Newark this year. New Jersey is also just one of two states to have a 2017 gubernatorial race. Seth Kaper-Dale, the GPNJ candidate, is extremely strong and has a goal to raise $460,000 to enter the debates (this is the only criterion).
Information on registration for the convention and housing reservations can be found here.
Come out and meet other Greens; help us work toward a more just and sustainable society.
Maryland Green Party