Statement from Charlene DiCalogero of the Green-Rainbow Party
The Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts is proud to have run 2 candidates for State Representative, in a year in which only 1/3 of all State Rep races were contested (MA is often abysmally low in numbers of contested offices):
Charlene DiCalogero, 12th Worcester:
1st time candidate, 19.7% of the vote in a small-town-rural mixed economic area, against a 22-year incumbent Democrat native to the area, with over $321,000 in his campaign fund at the start of the race and raised an additional $54K, while I raised circa $3,000.
Danny Factor, 14th Middlesex:
3.3% of the vote in a well-to-do-suburban 3-way race with a popular, relatively progressive Dem incumbent and a Republican challenger with no experience but $.
It is possible either or both of the incumbents will retire before the next election in 2018, in which case, both GRP candidates have established some recognition for a potential run.
Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka got 1.4% of the vote statewide, which unfortunately means we will lose official party status. In two of the 12th Worcester towns they did slightly better than the state as a whole, as is also true of at least one 14th Middlesex town.