Mayday for Money!

  • Co-sponsored by the Banking and Monetary Reform Committee

On this day in 1914, Congress ceded the power of US money creation to banks. Today we SEED a new future of US Money for the people!

May 18th is the 110th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Banks and of Congress ceding the power to create money to commercial banks. In 2024, we change the narrative of money back to a focus on people and our planetary and societal needs. Join the movement for #JustMoney and come support the march on the Chicago Fed, teach-ins, rallies, and socials in Chicago. Read more and sign up!

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! The Alliance For Just Money has issued a distress call for our dreadful system of money, which is structurally incapable of serving our people and planet. Earth is warming and its species, oceans, and ecosystems are dying. Our government and people are drowning in debt; wealth inequity is growing exponentially; wars are multiplying; and the money supply is bigger than ever. Yet we are told that there is simply not enough money to care for our people and planet!

We all need money to survive in modern society, yet few of us know who creates our money and how it is created. Most of our money is created out of thin air by private banks as debt when they loan it to us and charge us interest for their privilege. It doesn’t have to be this way! The Federal Reserve System which was signed into law by Congress on December 23, 1913, oversees, assists, and protects this system of private bank-created debt-money and is in no position to call for change. The Federal Reserve’s main job is the protection of this privatized dysfunctional system.

The Alliance For Just Money advocates for a transition away from our current debt money system to a just system of publicly created money. We invite you to join us in Chicago on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, for “Mayday for Money!” We’ll begin gathering at 11:30am at the Calder Flamingo Statue and march at 12pm to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Related outreach, educational, and social activities will go on May 17-19 for all available.

Friday, May 17th

Deliver the Letter to the Fed
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
230 S La Salle St

Screening & Discussion of Outgrow the System
at the Climate Action Museum
300 S Riverside Plaza


Saturday, May 18th

March and Rally
at Alexander Calder’s Flamingo Sculpture
210 S Dearborn St

Fantopia: A Parable on Monetary Reform
at HI-Chicago
24 East Ida B. Wells Drive


Sunday, May 19th

What’s Next for Monetary Reform?
at HI-Chicago
24 East Ida B. Wells Drive

  • May 17, 2024 at 6:00pm – May 20, 2024
  • Banking and Monetary Reform Committee

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  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2024-05-16 10:03:46 -0400