Monthly Green Party meeting tomorrow in Flint
The Vehicle City Green Party will be meeting tomorrow at Totem Books in Flint. We'll be meeting from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm at 620 W Court St, Flint, MI 48503
The proposed agenda is below. If you have any questions or need a ride to the meeting, please call at 517-977-3048.
I. Welcome and Introductions (5m)
II. Call for Consensus on Proposed Agenda (1m)
III. Nominating Convention Wrap-up (5m)
IV. Officer Reports (6m)
Erin Fox - Recruiting
Carlos Valdes - Media
Carolyn Dulai – Carolyn will report by email as she will be in CA for this meeting.
Jeff Payne – Events
Action Plans for officers at next meeting.
V. By-laws revision Call for Consensus (1m)
Change the name of the role “Group Leader” to “Meeting Co-ordinator” wherever referenced in the by-laws.
VI. 3 Campaigns – Harley Mikkelson, Gina Luster and Frank Foster, Jr. (15m)
How will we support these campaigns?
Who is willing to volunteer?
How can we build the base of our local while campaigning?
Remarks from any candidates in attendance. (5 min each)
Green Wave for Gina Luster
Sat. June 16th
Meet at Totem Books on Court St. at 11am
Briefing from 11-12am
20 volunteers needed – come out and show your support for Gina. We will be canvassing in Flint City, in the 2nd District of Genesee County. Bring comfortable shoes, your water bottle, your smile and your energy! We provide the clipboards, the walk sheets and a great candidate! You can purchase brunch or drinks from the cafe during the briefing, if you choose to do so.
Let’s show incumbent Brenda Clack that the Green Party is ready to get it’s ground game going.
Please help us spread the word about this amazing activist and community leader. Gina has been organizing on the frontline for years. Gina sees what Genesee needs because she listens to the people! If we all work together, we can put this excellent candidate into office. Please join us for a great day of campaigning and Green solidarity!
VII. Creation of a mission statement for the local. (3m)
Who wants to take this on?
Input from all who want to participate in drafting
VIII. Draft Strategic Plan (5m)
Due by July meeting
Working group volunteers needed
VIX. Call for candidates for Meeting Co-ordinator (5m)
X. New Business
XI. Approve next quarter of regular meetings (1m)
July 19th 2-4pm
Totem Books
August 18th 2-4pm
Totem Books
September 15th 2-4pm
Totem Books
XII. Open Discussion (time permitting)
We hope that you can join us. If you can't make it out to volunteer, please consider participating by making a small financial contribution to the local at this link:
Thank you for everything you do to support the Green Party and our values.
Erin Fox
Contact Person
Vehicle City Greens