Be Seen Being Green: Let’s Mobilize on January 20!
We Fight Back - Monday, January 20
January 20, 2025 is the day Trump will be inaugurated, and the day of massive mobilizations. People are not only anti-Trump — they also want a better world!
The Green Party of California has endorsed the WE FIGHT BACK National Day of Action on January 20th and we invite you to stand with the Green Party, the strongest political party in the nation for People, Planet and Peace!
"Being seen being Green" means carrying Green Party signs and banners, wearing buttons and t-shirts. Find them in your home, make them up, buy merchandise and get your GPCA t-shirts now or get your Green swag at the Green Party of United States' shop.
Messages for signs and banners can be very creative. Elements in addition to "Green Party" include:
"People Planet & Peace"
"No Corporate $"
"No to Genocide"
"CA must have Medicare for All — no excuses!"
"CA free tuition, like we used to have!"
For mobilizations around the country, including Los Angeles on January 20 and San Francisco on January 19, look HERE.
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