NJ Greens Invites Greater Community to Election Night Event
Join the Green Party of New Jersey from 7 PM until the election is called on November 8, 2016 for an evening of celebration and planning at 290 Chestnut St, Newark, NJ. We will eat, drink and cheer the enormous inroads the Green Party is making to establish a viable third party, one that will shatter the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic parties--two sides of the same battered coin.
For the first time, Jill Stein is on the ballot in 45 states, with write in status in another three, for voter access in 48 states. Jill is a fearless but reasoned voice for economic fairness, climate change mitigation, equitable treatment for all and a foreign policy based on waging peace, not war. Her ideas resonate with many not counted in polls--who will make their voices heard on November 8.
Jill has elevated the Green Party nationally, but we have a lot to do at the grassroots level still. We will build the Green Party of New Jersey by increasing our voice and presence when crucial political, environmental and social actions occur, such as the Black Friday protest to demand a $15 minimum wage at the Kearny Walmart and the November 30th event, Water is Life! From Standing Rock to Ramapough.
We have green candidates such as Erika Jacho and Gary Frazier running for local offices along with Steve Welzer and Rajit Malliah running for congress. The GPNJ is committed to running running running candidates in local and statewide races in 2017 beginning with our recently announced gubernatorial candidate Seth Kaper-Dale.
The commitment of a monthly donation is asked for attending the fundraiser, with funds to be used to build a strong and visible Green Party of New Jersey.
Green Party of NJ Election Night Fundraiser
Tuesday, November 8th
290 Chestnut St., Newark (Ironbound) @ the Adult Medical Day Care Center
Proposed Agenda for the Fundraiser Event:
7-7:30pm Sign in, affiliate green, meet the local Newark & Essex greens
7:30-8:30pm Music, food, drinks, Welcome remarks from Chair & Fundraiser pitch, Spoken word artists
8:30-10pm Exit polls and elections updates, candidate speeches and interviews via GPUS livestream
For more information, visit the Facebook event page. Also the following can be contacted:
Julie Saporito-Acuna, Chairperson, GPNJ at [email protected]
Brian D. Powers , Membership Committee at [email protected]