NJ Greens Oppose South Jersey Gas Pipeline
The Green Party of New Jersey stands in strong opposition to the new gas pipeline project proposed by South Jersey Gas.
This pipeline would run 22 miles through protected areas of the Pinelands National Reserve, in sensitive forest areas in Cumberland, Atlantic, and Cape May Counties. The risk the pipeline poses to the environment and human water supplies greatly outweighs any benefit that may come from its construction.
Green Party of New Jersey
For Immediate Release
December 20, 2016
Heather Warburton, Chairperson, Green Party of Atlantic County, [email protected]
For More information:
Jim Brash, Media Committee, at [email protected]
This pipeline would cut through protected forests and wetlands which are home to numerous plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else on the planet. The process of constructing the pipeline requires destruction of these environments along the pipeline route and, in itself, poses a major threat to these species.
Furthermore, spills across the country provide evidence that pipelines are not a safe way to transport gas; it is only a matter of time before this pipeline would leak, potentially devastating entire ecosystems. The aquifers in this region supply fresh drinking water to over 1 million people, and that water supply is under threat.
This pipeline would deliver gas through fracking, which has high risk for releasing even more methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into our atmosphere. The Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan restricts development to projects serving only the needs of those residing in the Pinelands. The proposed pipeline exceeds that warrant.
Any unmet needs of Pinelands residents can be taken care of by less intrusive and destructive provisions. Do not allow South Jersey Gas to degrade our irreplaceable resource for the sake of burning more fossil fuels!
The Green Party of New Jersey calls on the Pinelands Commission to do the job it was tasked with and protect the pinelands from damaging and unnecessary development. The Pinelands Commission has begun the public comment portion of the approval process, which will close on January 24th. The Green Party of New Jersey will be hand delivering a petition opposing this pipeline to the Pinelands Commission with signatures and comments we have collected.
We urge everyone to add their voices to ours. Tell the Pinelands Commission you oppose this pipeline!