“#NoNewJails — Nationwide!” Say Greens
Green Party of the United States Endorses #NoNewJails, Calls on All State Parties and Candidates to Support Local Campaigns
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States National Committee has voted overwhelmingly to endorse the “#NoNewJails” movement and support campaigns for prison abolition as a means to end mass incarceration.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
Monday, July 26, 2021
Michael O’Neil, Communications Manager, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Diana Brown, Co-chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Philena Farley, Co-chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
#NoNewJails began in 2018 in New York City as a campaign to shut down the Rikers Island jail complex and prevent its replacement with new jails throughout the Five Boroughs. That effort has inspired similar campaigns across the United States, with the hashtag “#NoNewJails” cropping up in California, Michigan, Louisiana, Massachusetts and New Jersey.
“The organizers of #NoNewJails understand money spent on incarcerating people must be reinvested in supporting black and brown communities that have, historically, been disproportionately incarcerated and abused by over-policing” said Darryl! Moch, Co-Chair of the Green Party’s National Black Caucus. “That is 100% aligned with the Green Party’s platform.”
“This shameful carceral state has achieved the highest incarceration rate in the world” said Trahern Crews, National Black Caucus Co-Chair. “We must dismantle this policy that brutalizes everyday people and does little — if anything — to keep our communities safe. Instead, let’s invest in positive alternatives to carceral punishment that build hope, responsibility and a sense of belonging,” said Crews.
The National Black Caucus and the Ohio Green Party co-sponsored the proposal to endorse #NoNewJails before the party’s National Committee. With the national endorsement, the Green Party will call on affiliated state parties, local organizations and candidates to support #NoNewJails efforts in their communities.
“We hope to see #NoNewJails in the platforms of Green candidates at every level,” said Philena Farley, who serves on the National Black Caucus’ Executive Committee and as Co-Chair of the Ohio Green Party. “We will make resources available to our candidates and organizers to assist their working in solidarity with #NoNewJails and do our part to win this fight,” said Farley.
- Green Party Platform on Criminal Justice
- No New Jails Releases Abolition Ban, #NoNewJailsNYC on Medium.com
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