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Thank you for your interest in getting involved in North Carolina!
The North Carolina Green Party is fighting a history of voter suppression—the Republican and Democratic Parties that run the state have placed serious restrictions on the rights of other parties and independent candidates to run for office. If we all work together as a team, we can keep our ballot line. The other parties do politics by organizing money. We do it by organizing people.
If you can help get out the vote for the GP nominated presidential team of Jill Stein and Butch Ware, and our state candidates please sign up here.
We are looking for people who believe in democracy. Please scroll down and sign-up to help volunteer to build North Carolina Green Party membership and registration efforts, and contact our ballot access lead below:
You can help to fund our nationwide ballot access efforts.
Make a donation to our Ballot Access Committee fund.
North Carolina Ballot Access Coordinator
Tony Ndege
Use the links below to connect with North Carolina Greens on social media, where a lot of the organizing and events are discussed.
North Carolina Green Party:
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