Ohio Green Party congratulates local activists for efforts regarding marijuana decriminalization
The Ohio Green Party wishes to acknowledge and congratulate the local activists working with SE Ohio NORML for their successful efforts in the city of Logan, OH. Logan residents will have the chance to vote on an issue this fall, that if passed, would lower the penalties prescribed by law for marijuana possession and cultivation.
Logan joins Toledo OH in having a marijuana issue on the ballot this November. The Toledo effort is being managed by recently named Ohio Green Party Political Director, Sean Nestor.
We also note the efforts of Ohio Green Party Co-Chair Connie Gadell-Newton and Columbus attorney Dennis Day in providing legal advice to the initiative in Logan.
The statewide legalization effort being promoted by Responsible Ohio fell short of the number of required signatures in their initial filing and are in the midst of trying to collect the additional needed signatures.
The Ohio Green Party reiterates our opposition to the Responsible Ohio plan. We feel that proceeding with local ballot initiatives is a excellent example of grassroots democracy at its finest.
Until such time as a meaningful and fair statewide ballot issue is ready to be voted up or down by our citizens, we wholeheartedly support local efforts such as the ones in Logan and Toledo.
See also:
Ohio Green Party opposes "Better for Ohio" and "Responsible Ohio" marijuana proposals.
Ohio Green Party Announces Political Director and other positions
For immediate release
July, 27, 2015
Ohio Green Party Co-Chair
Connie Gadell-Newton, [email protected]