Ohio Greens State Committee Meeting
The Ohio Green Party will hold a central committee meeting focusing on debriefing the mid-term elections.
The meeting will take place at 1021 East Broad Street in Columbus. It begins 10:15 AM and is expected to wrap-up by 2:00 PM. For additional information, write to [email protected].
Check in 10:00 - 10:15 / General Meeting 10:15-11:15
1) (5 mins) Review meeting process and facilitation (co-chairs Nathan Lane and Anita Rios will facilitate, take the stack, and keep time)
2) (5 mins) Quorum check
3) (5 mins) Agenda review and add any additional items
4) (5 mins) Approval of previous minutes
5) (5 mins) Treasurer Report
6) (5 mins) Car donation, tabled until after the election.
7) (10 mins) Election review (report back on returns & progress from 2016 efforts) Thank you to candidates
8) (20 mins) Candidate report (encompassing results, expenditures, insights, etc)
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:30 Discussion about strategy and next steps
9) (10 mins) Legal options for regaining status, update on City Club lawsuit
10) (15 mins) Recruiting and running candidates as independents in 2019 and beyond
11) (20 mins) Petitioning for party status, goals, strategy, needs to implement strategy
12:30-12:45 15 min break
12:45-1:30 Continued discussion about strategy and next steps
12) (15 mins) What should our political focus and message be tailored to moving forward
13) (15 mins) Discussion about a Ranked choice voting ballot initiative with the Libertarians and other groups, and about approval voting vs other methods internally
14) (15 mins) Other methods of engaging as a active political force in our communities, local referendums, activist organizations, projects to build awareness of the Green "Brand" in Ohio counties and communities
1:30-2:00 Additional items