Our First Anniversary
The Green Party Youth Caucus (Young EcoSocialists) are celebrating one year since the caucus started bi-monthly Organizer Calls. The video call series, which usually features a guest and discussion on a range of topics, is organized by the caucus Education Committee.
In the past year guests have included Ajamu Baraka, Cheri Honkala, Margaret Flowers, Mimi Soltysik, Miko Peled, Mazin Qumsiyeh, and many more discussing topics including anti-imperialism, abolition of the police, single payer, EcoSocialism, disaster capitalism, revolt and insurrection, and campus anti-fascism.
The bi-monthly series is on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 9:15 Eastern. For details on upcoming calls, visit www.FB.com/gpusyouth.
Recordings of the calls can be found in the caucus YouTube channel once they are edited and uploaded.
The caucus would like to thank everyone who has helped make this series happen, our guests for taking the time to talk with us, and everyone who has joined us for these great discussions. Join us for the next year of this amazing series, which is free and open to all.
Chris Blankenhorn
Young Greens (Young EcoSocialists) Education Committee Vice-Chair