PA Greens Need Your Help!
PHILADELPHIA – The Green Party of Pennsylvania just wrapped up our latest Green Wave phone call and we need your help to ensure Greens will be on the ballot this November!
We're asking everyone take the following simple steps:
- Firstly, if you haven't yet, please sign our online petition to Governor Wolf and legislative leaders to put Greens on the ballot! We're asking for emergency relief because of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders making it difficult to petition like normally.
- Please share that online petition widely on social media and email it to your friends and family! ANY registered voter in PA can sign, they do not have to be Greens.
- We're investigating legal action to protect our right to be on the ballot!
- We need help calling and/or texting voters in our list to verify voter information and see if they'd be willing to physically sign our petitions as soon as it is safe to do so. Please contact us ASAP at [email protected] if interested!
- As more counties consider moving to "yellow" phase, we're investigating the feasibility of how to safely canvass during Coronavirus to ensure Greens are on the ballot. If you're interested in canvassing, especially on primary election day, June 2nd, please contact us ASAP at [email protected]. We're also considering feasibility of mailing petitions to voters to sign and return but this may be very expensive. If you have any thoughts on the best action to take, please let us know!
If you're new to the Green Party or know someone else who's new, save the date for May 27th at 8pm -- we're planning another Welcome call for everyone new to the Green Party. Our welcome call in April was successful and well-received, so we're going to do another one. If you're new, this might be a great opportunity to introduce yourself and get involved! RSVP and bring a friend!
For details on how to join the organizing call from your computer or phone please contact [email protected].
Other important information:
Learn more about the 2020 Green Party candidates by visiting Please share widely on social media, mailing lists, etc.
- For County Party Chairs and Officers -- PLEASE contact Beth Scroggin ASAP at [email protected] to check in. Let us know how many signatures you've gathered, if any, so far, and what you're up to in the meantime during Coronavirus.
Thank you for your support, and hope to see you on the next organizing call. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Garret Wassermann
2020 Green Wave team lead
[email protected]
Green Wave of PA