This webinar is designed for Green Party candidates as well as local and state Green Party leadership. Those who are (or plan to be) key support staff or volunteers are also welcome to join. The call will explore fundraising! More details to follow on the specific content to be covered...
The call will be led by Alison Baldree. Alison am a certified nonprofit professional with a green in nonprofit development who has been working in philanthropy for 8 years. Her expertise is in grassroots, peer to peer and donor-centered fundraising. She petitioned and helped get the Missouri Green Party ballot access. Alison was the outreach and communications coordinator for the Green Party of Kansas City and is now an active rank and file member. She is a socialist and educates and empowers her fellow organizers on how sustainable independent fundraising helps build power. She was also Dr. Jill Stein’s executive assistant during the 2016 presidential election. In addition to the Green Party, Alison is a member of DSA and Solidarity, a socialist, feminist and anti-racist organization.
NOTE: This call is at 9 PM Eastern time.
- June 12, 2018 at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
- online
- 60 people are going
Jason Nabewaniec
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