Pacific Green Party 2019 State Convention
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The next Pacific Green Party (PGP) Convention #1 will be held on April 13 in Bend. A women's caucus event is also cheduled for the 13th. More details on that soon! RSVP on Facebook.
Deschutes Public Library, Brooks Room
601 NW Wall St, Bend, Oregon 97703
Saturday, April 13, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All are invited! PGP supporting members may vote on convention items. A supporting member is someone who, by 30 days prior to the convention,
- registered PGP;
- contributed the equivalent of 30 minutes a month for three months of volunteer time with a local chapter at meetings, volunteering or organizing (not including social media discussion), or;
- contributed the financial equivalent of the above based on a living wage according to
Per the bylaws, please include with your proposal:
- the background of the issue in question;
- the current situation, needs or problems;
- options considered as solutions (if any) and why they were rejected;
- the full text of the proposal;
- an explanation of how the proposal would meet the current needs or problems;
- any supplementary documentation needed to understand the proposal;
- name and contact information for the item sponsor;
- indication of whether the item is being presented for introduction, discussion, and/or decision; if it is being presented for decision, how urgent it is that the decision be made at the next available opportunity; and clear justification for this urgency.
Proposals can be sent to the scc list server, [email protected]. They may not appear immediately if posts are being held for moderation, but the time stamp will show whether they're in on time.
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