Philly Green Party Seeks Candidates
The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) is seeking candidates to run for elected office in 2018. At their October membership meeting, Philly Greens issued a “Call for Candidates.”
Galen Tyler, Chair of GPOP, said, “Now is the time for people to step up and become leaders of an independent party. The coming year will provide a great opportunity for new candidates to take their first step into political waters. Most Green Party candidates will not be elected on their first campaign for office, but there have been surprises in Philadelphia when a dynamic candidate backed by vigorous volunteers has unseated an incumbent from a corporate party.”
News Release
For release:
December 19, 2017
Green Party of Philadelphia
For more information please contact
Chris Robinson, 215-843-4256
[email protected]
“The Green Party is especially interested in interviewing those who have been traditionally excluded from running as candidates for the two corporate political parties. Our door is open for qualified women, people of color, and LGBTQIA+ and other citizens who agree with the Green Party’s Ten Key Values,” explained Chris Robinson, Green Party Membership Secretary. The Green’s Ten Key Values are ecological wisdom, social justice, nonviolence, grassroots democracy, feminism, future focus, respect for diversity, community-based economics, personal and global responsibility, and decentralism. [Please see:]
“There are several good reasons to run for office,” continued Robinson. “A candidate running for the first time will gain both name recognition and practical experience. They will also have a media soapbox to educate the community around their special issues. In addition, they will be able to pressure the incumbent and give voters a choice, which is so often lacking in Philadelphia.”
During 2018, Representatives in every PA House District will be up for election, as will PA Senators in even-numbered Districts. Candidates seeking these offices must receive the endorsement of registered GPOP members and elected delegates to the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA).
Candidates for PA State Senator must be at least 25 years old, and candidates for PA House of Representatives must be at least 21 years old. Each candidate must have been a resident of PA and a citizen of the U.S. for the last four years, and a resident of the District for the last year. For more information about running for office as a Green Party candidate, please contact Chris Robinson, GPOP Membership Secretary, at 215-843-4256 and [email protected].
Green Party candidates for office are coordinated and supported by GPPA Green Wave, a committee which offers a region-based network for candidates. Green Wave officials say that 2018 “could be a great year for local Green wins. Dissatisfaction with the two major parties is at an all-time high and people are looking for change that will bring hope for a peaceful, just, and stable future.”
The Green Party of Philadelphia is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice. Follow GPOP on Twitter and on Facebook.