Philly Greens to meet on June 28
Each month an independent political party called the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) meets to discuss state and national issues and how they can help locally by voting and being active in their community.
At 7:00 pm on Thursday evening, June 28, the Green Party will meet at Shissler Recreation Center, 1800 Blair Street in Fishtown, Philadelphia. The Green Party is currently running Neal Gale for U.S. Senate, Paul Glover for PA Governor and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostic for PA Lt. Governor.
For Immediate Release
June 13, 2018
Green Party of Philadelphia
Chris Robinson, 215-843-4256
The Green Party of Philadelphia has more than three dozen active members in Philadelphia, and there are more than 1,500 registered Green Party voters in Philadelphia. For more information about GPOP, please telephone 215-843-4256, or reach out to, or [email protected].