Philly Greens host a Winter Party!
Come out to Green Party of Philadelphia Winter Party to meet local Greens and celebrate the wins we had in 2017!
Hear more about what we’ve been up to and see how you can get more involved. Speakers will include some of our newly elected Greens.
We’re being hosted by the gracious and spectacular folks at PhillyCAM (699 Ranstead Street) who will be filming the party to help us spread the Green word to their viewers. Come have fun and help us look good! It’s a potluck gathering so bring a snack or drink to share if you wish.
Check out the Facebook Event for more details or to let us know you’re coming.
January 27 at 1:00 pm
699 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia
We had a good showing in 2017 and elected the following 12 Pennsylvania Greens:
Stuart Chen-Hayes, Newtown Twp Judge of Elections (Bucks)
Kristin Combs, Philadelphia Judge of Elections (Philadelphia)
Olivia Faison, Philadelphia Inspector of Elections (Philadelphia)
Kerry Foose, Lenox Judge of Elections (Susquehanna)
Bradley Granlun, Philipsburg Borough Council (Centre)
Jim Keller, West Reading Judge of Elections (Berks)
Ethan Leatherbarrow, Philadelphia Judge of Elections (Philadelphia)
David Ochmanowicz, Quakertown Community School Board (Bucks)
William Pilkonis, Scranton Judge of Elections (Lakawanna)
Tim Runkle, Elizabethtown Judge of Elections (Lancaster)
Cem Zeytinoglu, Stroudsburg School Board (Monroe)
Julia Zion, Maxatawney Judge of Elections (Berks)
See you at the Green Winter Party!
Green Party of Philadelphia