Please Join Us & Help Grow our Party!
I'm asking this because the Green Party of Washington needs you so we can grow and continue our grassroots Green Movement here in Washington.
You decide how much your membership dues will be (pay yearly or monthly) plus you can join with the waiver we offer for those experiencing financial hardship at this time by clicking here.
Just click on the "Join GPWA" button below to join!
As a Member, you will be supporting local chapters, volunteer organizers, and candidate recruitment and support. You can get involved with your local chapter or if there isn't one yet in your area, maybe help us start one. Our chapters around the state are doing great work. We have chapters doing mutual aid, environmental activism, running and supporting Green Candidates, collecting signatures to bring universal healthcare to all Washington residents, working to get Ranked Choice Voting adopted by our state and cities, and much more!
Here are a few examples of how your membership dues can help:
- $10 a month can help us build the online infrastructure of GPWA.
- $15 a month can provide tools, tactics, and training for our County Chapters.
- $20 a month can provide signage and promotional materials for our Chapters and Organizers.
If you're thinking about being more involved in State Party leadership positions, current GPWA members are eligible to be GPWA Coordinating Council members, GPWA Chapter officers, GPWA Delegates/Alternates/Observers to the Green Party of the United States, GPWA representatives on GPUS National Committees, and GPWA-endorsed nominees for public office. Current GPWA members are eligible to vote in elections for GPWA offices, for endorsements, liaisons with other organizations, etc. and to add agenda items at State Conventions and review decisions made by the GPWA CC.
Thank you!
Starlene Rankin, Organizer, GPWA
Email: [email protected]
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