Portland Greens to hold straw poll
Portland Green Party Event: Local Candidate Straw Poll
The Portland Green Party is hosting its first major event of the year, inviting Pacific Green Party voters and supporters to attend a local straw poll on choices in the upcoming May elections for local and county seats. The event is free and open to anyone interested in Green politics. If time allows, we will also talk about upcoming state and federal elections. To facilitate the best possible discussion, we are including links to candidate statements and encourage people to conduct mini straw polls within their groups in advance of our meeting. We hope to see you there!
Members of the public who are unable to attend and local elected officials may contact us to contribute their ideas to the discussion. We ask that people consider our ten key values as integral to our policy and positions we look for in an ideal candidate.
Local candidates may contact us with statements or to request a questionnaire at PDXGreenParty at Gmail.com. People can follow us on Twitter @PDXGreenParty for updates, including information about upcoming events such as the PDX March for Our Lives on March 24th and our nominating convention in June.
Tuesday, March 27th
Portland Central Library
610 SW 10th
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Multnomah County voters guide:
Candidate listing for Portland elections:
Thank you for your time,
Alex DiBlasi
Organizer, Portland Green Party