Let's put ecosocialist candidates on the ballot in North Carolina
PITTSBORO, NC – Our petitioning drive to run Green Party of North Carolina (NCGP) candidates is in full swing. The state is making us collect about 15,000 signatures, on paper, from registered voters by May 2022 if we hope to run candidates next year, and we need your help.
Petition with Us
This is the #1 way you can help: Please collect as many signatures on our petition as you can from registered NC voters and mail them to us (Download the petition here). Even just 10, 20, or 30 signatures from your friends and family would be a big help. But even so, we do need a number of volunteers to commit to collecting a few hundred signatures. We're offering stipends to those who can commit to collecting 150 or more. Email [email protected] if you're interested. Any registered NC voter can sign the petition, regardless of political affiliation. Please print petition sheets one-sided, and use a different sheet for each county—so if one person is registered in Wake County and another person is registered in Mecklenburg, you must write "Wake" on the top of one sheet and "Mecklenburg" on the top of the other, and the person must sign the sheet for their corresponding county.
To get started, download our ballot access petition and tips/guidelines at our Petitioning Page. At that page you can also sign up to volunteer and to meet other petitioners in our Slack workspace, where we plan petitioning actions. This fall we've petitioned at several high-traffic events, including voting precincts around the state on Election Day, the NC State Fair (Raleigh), Triangle Vegfest (Raleigh), NCSU campus, Davidson College campus, African American Cultural Festival (Raleigh), Shakori Hills music festival (Pittsboro), Carrboro Really Really Free Market, Carolina Classic Fair (Winston-Salem), NC Folk Festival (Greensboro), and more. Do you know of a high-traffic location, event, or festival you'd like to petition at with us? Let us know by signing up to volunteer at the Petitioning Page, and then follow the steps to join our Slack workspace and coordinate with us there. We try to pair new volunteers with an experienced petitioner or party officer. Can you petition at a college campus with us? Let us know.
Support Our Ballot Access Fund
We've received a generous $6,000 grant from the Green Party of the United States to fund our petition drive. Our goal is to raise $15,000, and we're about halfway there. Can you help us reach that goal by supporting our Ballot Access Fund? Your contributions allow us to:
- Pay petitioners and phonebankers
- Table at festivals and other events
- Cover printing, materials, and postage
- Send packets to supporters
- Distribute flyers door-to-door,
- And, ultimately, run radical candidates for office
Merchandise & Bookstore
Petition in NCGP gear! We have new T-shirt designs and baseball-style hats at the party's new Merchandise & Bookstore page. It's the official merch store of the NCGP. Your donation there covers the cost of merch plus shipping and tax, with a couple of dollars left over that go to supporting the NCGP's work. We also offer 3 radical ebooks, one of which is free!, so you'll want to check out the shop.
Your petitioning work and your contributions will allow the NCGP to run radical candidates with hard-hitting platforms that challenge the duopoly, like NCGP member Joshua Bradley (running for Raleigh City Council at-large, 2022), who's calling for the abolition of the police as we know it in favor of community policing.
Where to Send Petition Sheets
Do you have signatures to send in? Please mail your sheets to our PO box at
NCGP Petition Drive
PO Box 6022
Cary, NC 27519
If you need the NCGP to cover postage costs, let us know.
Thanks so much for all you do to support our radical, ecosocialist alternative to the two-party system.
Michael Trudeau
NCGP secretary
[email protected]
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