Rebuilding the Green Party of Tennesse
We have an opportunity to rebuild the Green Party of Tennessee from the ground up. The past two years have brought a paradigmatic shift in politics in the United States and here in Tennessee, and we are positioned to take the initiative and push for Green reforms in our state and beyond.
To do this, we need to re-engage with people who have expressed an interest in Green policies over the years. We have a database of 1,300 people we can call to reconnect with the party which has broken this up into 3 groups by Congressional districts. We are going to phonebank these contacts and work to connect or reconnect them with the Green Party of Tennessee.
If you're interested in helping with this endeavor, please respond to this email and we'll be in touch.
Support the Green Party of Tennessee
If we are going to rebuild the party here in Tennessee, we will need the financial means to do so. We're looking to raise money to accomplish a few specific tasks:
- Send delegates to the GPUS annual meeting
- Purchase some GPTN merchandise for to resell
- Hold our own annual meeting in 2018
- Conduct a physical mail campaign
- Tabling fees for festivals across the state
We can't do any of these things without financial support. If everyone receiving this email donated just $1, we'd double our bank balance and be that much more able to do the work of bringing the Green platform to voters across the state. Go to our website at and scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll find a Paypal donate button.
Consider giving just once or becoming a sustainer and donate a little bit each month. While we don't yet have a way to automate this process, we are working on it.