While not a Green Party event, it's been added to our calendar because of the presence of David Cobb, the 2004 Green Party presidential candidate.
In an era of accelerating climate change, global pandemic, and social unrest, the integrity of our coming presidential election and its impact on our democracy present seemingly existential challenges for our country.
How can we proactively engage with and respond to what could be a hotly contested election? What kind of organizing strategies should we, as part of a diverse grassroots social movement, prioritize in the short-term (pre-inauguration) and longer-term (post-inauguration)? What are the challenges and barriers to getting organized as a social movement during this critical moment?
Join the Transition US Politics & Policy National Working Group for a conversation with Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson and People’s Strike and David Cobb of Cooperation Humboldt, moderated by Marissa Mommaerts of Transition US, on these important questions and more.
- October 14, 2020 at 11:00am – 12:30pm
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