Register TODAY for the the Green Party of California's July General Assembly
You are invited to the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, 2022. This General Assembly will be held by video teleconference, and all Greens are invited to attend. Early registration begins TODAY and will end on July 4th.
Join us and help welcome the Green Party's 2016 Presidential nominee, Dr. Jill Stein, and long-time Green activist Ms. Margaret Kimberley. They will discuss how Greens can play a pivotal role in building the people's movement that we need to save our world. We will also welcome the Left Unity Slate of 2022 candidates who will share their campaign experiences, we will hear updates from county representatives, engage in discussions, and much more.
We look forward to having you join us at the GA!
Thank you to all Green candidates and to the 2022 Left Unity Slate!
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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