Join with Philly Greens and others as they celebrate the release of Chelsea Manning
Welcome Home Chelsea Manning!
Join the Green Party of Philadelphia and other local groups on this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, as we celebrate Chelsea Manning's release from military prison after seven years! Meet at JFK Blvd and Broad Street in Philadelphia on May 17th at 4:30 pm.
RSVP on Facebook or just show up with a sign "Welcome Home Chelsea Manning!"
Her previous 35-year sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama. It was a victory for her of course, but also for all of us in countries around the world who supported her and benefited from her courageous whistle-blowing: the international women and LGBTQ movements, the anti-war and anti-racist movements, the movements in defense of whistle-blowers, anti-war veterans, refuseniks and everyone who stands for justice.
Her statement before her release from prison: "For the first time, I can see a future for myself as Chelsea!"
Please share this with your many friends, comrades and networks.
Also, please consider donating to her gofundme page.
Payday Men's Network, Global Women's Strike/Women of Color, GWS, Brandywine Peace Community, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, Green Party of Philadelphia and others to be added.