Resist #Russiagate
A Public Forum featuring speakers from the Green Party and the Party for Socialism & Liberation
The FBI is not your friend!
As the anti-Russia witch hunt takes a sharper turn on the left and continues to target progressive voices like Jill Stein; as the media and the state's campaign of misinformation whips up the country for aggression and war, it is very important for people to stand together and resist the new "Cold War" and McCarthyism.
We must target Trump's racism, warmongering and bigotry and resist the FBI/CIA/NSA witch hunt that has as a goal the pacification of the population and the stifling of descent.
The people demand peace, not war! We will defend progressive third parties, BLM, Water Protectors and all revolutionaries and progressives from the FBI attack!
$5 Donation. Social after the meeting with Beer and Wine for a small donation.
Join us for speakers, discussion and solidarity!
Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM CST
Centro Autónomo de Albany Park
3460 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60625
Geoffrey Cubbage, Illinois Green Party Secretary; Former Deputy Press Director, Jill Stein for President 2016 campaign
John Beacham, Midwest Coordinator, Gloria La Riva for President 2106 campaign; Coordinator, Answer Chicago