Now is the Time to Step and Run as a Clean Green Candidate!
In less than two months the Missouri Green Party will submit our ballot access petitions to the Missouri Secretary of State's office so that we can run corporate-free candidates in Missouri this November. When we turn in our petitions, we will simultaneously submit our candidates' filing paperwork - if our petitions are successful, this will automatically place all of our Green Party candidates on the general election ballot in Missouri on November 5th (no primary required). Therefore:
Now is the time for you to step up and let us know that you will run as a Green Party candidate this year. We want to take maximum advantage of our ballot line and have Greens running up and down the ticket all over our state. Once you let us know that you are ready to give your community the chance to vote for a candidate that is not for sale, we will work with you to help identify the right office for you to run for. This could be State Treasurer, State Attorney General, US House of Representatives, State Senate, State House, or local offices such as county council. Running for office gives your neighbors the chance to vote for a candidate that will serve their constituents rather than corporate donors; it also provides you with great experience and, it's lots of fun!
If you have any interest at all in becoming a Green Party candidate this year, please fill out this short candidate intake form to get started:
If you have any questions about becoming a Green Party candidate, please respond to this email and we will be happy to assist you.
In Solidarity,
Missouri Green Party Elections
Jerome Bauer and Sue Edward, Missouri Green Party
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