Run for local office with Green Party support!
Seattle, Washington – Would you like to run for office as a Green and with good Green support? Here's your chance!
The Green Party of Washington Campaign Committee will select one Green candidate - or maybe two - and ask the state Coordinating Council to begin recruiting Greens across the state to become actively involved in the selected campaign(s).
To be considered for Green Party endorsement, please send us your completed Candidate Questionnaire by this Sunday, May 12th.
Candidate filing week in Washington State is May 13-17, 2019.
If you don't know what race you'd like to be in, indicate that on the questionnaire and we'll help you research what positions are the best fit for you.
Our coordinated vetting process at the chapter and state level will be completed by 18 May - the day after the filing period ends - and selection of the candidate(s) for statewide focus will be determined by 30 May.
Here you may find links to our 2019 Campaign Plan and our Candidate Questionnaire.
We look forward to hearing from YOU!
In solidarity,
GPWA Campaign Committee
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Donations always appreciated and put to good use!