Green Party members are seeking a spot on the ballot
RALEIGH, NC — The North Carolina Green Party is working to get back on the ballot in North Carolina. Right now, the state only recognizes the Democratic, Republican and Libertarian parties.
Matthew Hoh is a Green Party member running for U.S. Senate. Wayne Turner, the Treasurer for the N.C. Green Party says in order to get back on the ballot, they need to collect 13,865 verified signatures from across the state.
Spectrum News
By Alexis Bell
March 17, 2022
The left-wing political party describes itself as, "an anti-racist, feminist, pro-worker political party that supports gender equality and gender diversity and rejects capitalism in favor of a democratically run economy that responds to the needs of community and planet."
Hoh says whether it's the Green Party, or other minority parties, getting more options on the ballot creates a better democracy.
"If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil," Hoh said. "So [we're] breaking away from that and building a political system that works for people, particularly working families. There are a variety of ways we can achieve that, but one is by not voting for the two corporate parties and by voting for third parties."
Signatures are due to the county Board of Elections by May 17 to be verified and will go to the State Board of Elections by June 1.
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