Green Support for Single-Payer bill in Massachusetts
You can help win Single-Payer Healthcare. Zoom Discussion on July 10th
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, the Administrative Committee of the Green-Rainbow Party passed by consensus a motion to join the Mass-Care Coalition in support of H.R.1194,, a bill that will bring a single-payer medical system to Massachusetts.
Mass-Care is an umbrella organization for dozens of member groups that represent diverse constituencies. Together these organizations stand for over 500,000 supporters of single-payer reform in Massachusetts.
Jon Weissman, Co-chair of Mass-Care, is willing to participate in an informational Zoom meeting to answer any questions GRP members may have. He is available on Saturday, July 10 between 12:30 and 5. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Lois Gagnon by July 3 so we can determine the time. It should only require about 60 to 90 minutes.
As written, H.R.1194 is in line with the GRP position on single-payer healthcare. If any proposed amendments do not align with our Party position and are not withdrawn, and if we as a party decide we can no longer support the amended legislation, we are free to withdraw our support.
The bill is still in committee. The coalition is working hard to bring it to the house floor for a vote. If you would like to be a liaison and be on the listserve, please email Lois Gagnon at [email protected].
Let's make our voice heard!
In Solidarity,
Lois Gagnon
Maha Visnu
Co-Chairs, Green-Rainbow Party
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