South Central Greens meeting in Jackson on April 20
The South Central Michigan Greens local will hold its monthly meeting 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 at the downtown Jackson Coffee Company (201 South Mechanic Street in Jackson).
RSVP for the meeting on Facebook.
South Central Michigan Greens
April 10, 2019
For more information:
Monika Dittmann Schwab, Local Contact/SCMiGreens, [email protected]
The local serves Jackson, Calhoun, and Hillsdale Counties. But anyone who supports the Green Party platform of Peace, Planet, and People Over Profit -- or wants to find out about the #realDeal, the Green Party's decade-old original version of the Green New Deal -- is welcome to attend.
We will discuss upcoming local activities and opportunities to get involved -- including a pollution remediation proposal being started in Jackson this spring, proposed natural-gas mega-plants in the area, and this year's spring Labor History Walk in Marshall on Saturday, May 4, the weekend after international Labor Day (May 1).
Co-founder John Anthony La Pietra will report on a celebration of "the other MLK Day" held April 4 at the Marshall District Library. Local officers and by-laws, and the results of the recent statewide membership meeting March 16 in Muskegon, are also expected to be on the agenda.
A map of the location is available here.
For more details and news about the local, please visit us on Facebook.