South Central Michigan Greens to meet on Saturday
The South Central Michigan Greens local will hold its monthly meeting 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at Biggby's Coffee, 1125 East Michigan Avenue in Emmett Township, east of Battle Creek. RSVP for the meeting on Facebook.
Co-founders Monika Dittman Schwab of Jackson and John Anthony La Pietra of Marshall will report on the May 4 "Spring into Action" Labor History Walk sponsored by the local. Other local activities will also be discussed, along with planning for candidate recruitment.
Another topic on the agenda is the "real Deal" -- the Green New Deal policies as proposed by the Green Party for years. Co-founders Monika Dittman Schwab of Jackson and John Anthony La Pietra of Marshall will be available to discuss how the #realDeal applies to Michigan overall (and the local area of Calhoun, Hillsdale, and Jackson Counties) -- and how it differs from other versions.
La Pietra is preparing proposed by-laws amendments to be distributed to all members and considered at next month's meeting June 15 at the downtown Jackson Coffee Company (201 S. Mechanic). The amendments could lead to election of some new officers.
To discuss details and news about the local, please visit our Facebook page.
For more information, please contact Monika Dittmann Schwab.