South Central Michigan Greens to Meet
The South Central Michigan Greens local will hold its monthly meeting 1:00 – 3:00 pm on Saturday, December 15 at the downtown Jackson Coffee Company (201 South Mechanic Street in Jackson).
The agenda will recap some of the items discussed at the November 24 post-election meeting at the Biggby's Coffee location in Emmett Towmship, including news that the next Statewide Membership Meeting has been scheduled for March 10, 2019 at Muskegon Community College.
South Central Michigan Greens
December 10, 2018
For more information:
Monika Dittmann Schwab, Local Contact/SCMiGreens, [email protected]
Co-founder John Anthony La Pietra of Marshall will report on the results of the election, and the meeting will discuss filling the vacant seat for the local's second representative on the State Central Committee.
And the local (which serves Calhoun, Hillsdale, and Jackson Counties and has been reaching out to Kalamazoo County) will continue planning for 2019 activities to reach anyone interested in Green Party values -- including another Labor History Walk in Marshall on or around International Labor Day (May 1).
The local meeting is an event on Facebook, so please RSVP.
A map of the location is available at the coffeeshop's Facebook page.
For more details and news about the local, please visit our Facebook page:
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The Four Pillars of GPMI:
Grassroots Democracy
Social Justice
Ecological Wisdom
For our Ten Key Values, add:
Community-Based Economics
Future Focus/Sustainability
Personal and Global Responsibility
Respect for Diversity