TAKE ACTION: Stop Point Beach Nuke Plant license extension!
MADISON, WI – The Wisconsin Green Party stands with Physicians for Social Responsibility in opposing the proposed license extension for Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Two Rivers, Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Michigan.
We call on concerned citizens to submit written opposition in public comment to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by Wednesday, March 3 before 10:59 pm about environmental and safety concerns regarding the Point Beach nuclear reactors.
Go here for more information on Point Beach Nuclear Plant and how to make your voice heard.
In an increasingly uncertain and risky environmental future, we simply cannot risk nuclear disaster for Wisconsin and Lake Michigan.
Clean renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are already more economical and sustainable than nuclear power, without nuclear's unacceptable health and safety concerns.
Take action now to oppose the Point Beach Nuclear Plant license extension by tonight's deadline of Wednesday, March 3 at 10:59 PM.
Thank you for standing up for a safe, green future for Wisconsin!
Dave Schwab and Jo' Nathan Kingfisher
Co-chairs, WI Green Party
P.S. The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists or super PACs. We rely entirely on people like you for support. Please consider making a contribution to support our work - thank you!
WI Green Party
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