Support Our Green Candidates in 2020!
In 2020, Green candidates for President/Vice President, Congress, the state legislature, and local offices in New York are standing up with one voice for systemic change that puts everyday people and planet over entrenched power and profits.
From the top of the ticket on down, Green candidates are truly independent and advocate for innovative ideas that are the necessary choice that New York voters need. They are united behind the Green Party’s Four Pillars of Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy -- and the original authentic Green New Deal! This includes:
- Conversion to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2030 with a public employment program to rebuild a more sustainable infrastructure in energy, waste, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and housing.
- Loans and grants issued to develop local cooperative businesses and provide assistance for poor communities and workers displaced by the conversion.
- Research focused on sustainable practices and technology with a carbon tax, a stock transfer tax, an end to fossil fuel subsidies, and a minimum 50% cut in the military budget to fund it.
In order to enact this change, we need voters to support all of the Green candidates running in New York this year. The campaign platforms of each of them is a reflection of this unified message as it is applied to every local community in the state. Just as the candidates are united by this message, voters need to be united in their support to ensure that the future we want in this state can actually happen.
At the top of the ticket we have the awesome team of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker for President and Vice President. We need New York to turn out in big numbers for Hawkins/Walker this year to maintain the Green Party’s ballot line for the next two years. As a reminder, please RSVP to join us on Friday, August 21st at 7:30 PM for the NY Hawkins/Walker Team organizing meeting via Zoom.
Our down ticket candidates also need your support. More information is available on the GPNY 2020 candidates page. Here is a snapshot of our candidates and the key platform planks they are running on:
Harry Burger: Congress (2)
Guaranteeing healthcare as a basic human right for all people.
Enacting a Green New Deal to guarantee a job for everyone and to build sustainable infrastructure.
Reducing military spending to 50% over the course of 5 years.
Joseph Naham: Congress (4)
Establishing a peace based foreign policy.
Developing immigration reform that protects immigrant rights.
Developing a sustainable environment.
Steve Greenfield: Congress (19)
Establishing single-payer healthcare.
Transitioning to renewable energy and local sustainable agriculture.
Ending all current wars and preventing all non-defensive wars.
David Baker: Congress (23)
Establishing single-payer healthcare.
Transitioning to renewable energy.
Establishing campaign finance reform.
Mike Raleigh: Congress (26)
Establishing single-payer healthcare.
Increasing funding for affordable housing.
Transitioning to renewable energy.
Robert Alft: State Senate (46)
Transitioning to renewable energy.
Developing a public jobs program.
Reinstating the stock transfer tax.
Scott Hutchins: State Assembly (54)
Reforming police, prisons, and the bail system.
Increasing funding for low income housing.
Establishing public banking in the state.
Manny Cavaco: State Assembly (65)
Establishing public banking in the state.
Expanding cannabis legislation.
Developing worker owned businesses.
Carl Lundgren: State Assembly (87)
Developing affordable, adequate, and safe housing.
Developing a sustainable environment.
Developing guaranteed living wage jobs in a safe workplace.
Barbara Kidney: State Assembly (101)
Transitioning to community controlled renewable energy.
Ending subsidies for large corporations and investing in local businesses.
Reinstating the stock transfer tax.
Anthony Baney: State Assembly (140)
Expanding cannabis legislation.
Transitioning to renewable energy.
Establishing single-payer healthcare.
Now more than ever voters are realizing that the status quo does not work for them. The real movement for change begins with the Green Party. For we enter tomorrow together. Please consider a donation to help the Green Party of New York continue to grow. Thank you.
Green Party of New York