Let's support UAW workers on strike
There are currently members of the United Auto Workers are on a "stand up strike". This is when instead of striking all plants, select locals are being called on to "stand up" and walk out on strike.
The Green Party has always been a strong supporter of labor and now is no different. Join us in a short demonstration of solidarity this Tuesday, October 24th from 4-6pm. If you want to know where, please send us a note and we will get right back to you with the location.
There's a lot of Green Party planning to be done. Getting ready for 2024 elections, work on a public utility, stopping climate change, supporting people who are fighting capitalism, and much, much more. If you are a registered Green and would like to find out what's going on and how you can help, join us for our next Steering Committee meeting on Saturday, October, 28th from Noon - 2pm at Anyone's Cafe, 133 Gregory St, Rochester, NY 14620.
The Green Party of New York has endorsed the November 4th National March on Washington to Free Palestine. Locally, we are looking at ways to collectively join the march in D.C. Please mark Saturday, November 4th on your calendar as details are still being worked out.
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Green Party of Monroe County
Green Party of Monroe County
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