For International Women's Day: Support women candidates!
A message from the Green Party National Women's Caucus for International Women's Day
The midterm elections are coming and the Green Party is asking for your support! The Green Party National Women’s Caucus encourages you to support women candidates running on the Green Party line by donating to the national party.
Women represent only about a quarter of those serving in federal office, yet studies show the concrete benefits of women serving in political positions. The presence of highly-visible women in office inspires people of all ages and genders to increase their political involvement. Women in positions of power are more likely to promote policies that benefit women, children and families as well as local communities.
All 435 voting seats in the House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate seats are up for election in the 2022 midterm elections. Green Party candidates who are running for these and other seats are highlighted on Contact your state party to find out who is running in your state and how you can help.
Featured Candidate: the lives of Texans for generations." |
We also need your financial support at the national level, to fund assistance to candidates such as obtaining and retaining ballot access, training campaign staff training, and media promotion. Our candidates will fight to promote the issues you care about, but we need your contribution to make this happen. Please support the Green Party so that we can support women candidates and our goal of equal representation!
Featured Candidate: "Laura Wells’ political activism kicked into high gear in 1992 in an unexpected way. A friend told her, I had a dream you were in politics. You should check out the brand new Green Party. Laura found a political home in the Green Party. She appreciated the recognition that the problems facing everyone were interrelated: peace and non-violence, the environment, wealth and poverty, and social justice. She saw that real justice was up against all the 'isms' of society." |
Learn more about the National Women’s Caucus and sign up to get involved at
In Solidarity,
National Women's Caucus
Green Party of the United States
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