Texas Greens Are Headed To Washington D.C.!!
New and exciting things are happening with the Green Party of Texas! There will be a contingent of Young Greens traveling to the 2018 American Civil Liberties Union Conference in Washington, D.C. from June 10th- June 12th.
This will be an exciting opportunity to network with other activists, advocates, and those who share a passion for standing up and fighting back against injustices currently plaguing our society.
Our youth will have a chance to share their skills, voice their concerns, listen to organizing success stories, dig into new campaigns, advocate for their causes, and hear from an array of exciting speakers! We believe in our youth! We know there is a need to have our youth politically active and fully participating at all levels of political engagement.
We need your help! You can help ensure our members can continue attending and participating in conferences, conventions, and events like these that will help to strengthen our party.
Please consider making a donation of $20.00 or more https://gptx.nationbuilder.com/donate or become a monthly sustainer donor https://gptx.nationbuilder.com/monthly_sustainer to the Green Party of Texas.
The Green Party of Texas does not accept corporate donations, Super PAC money, or money from lobbyists. It is up to each and every one of us that believes in the Green Party of Texas to donate and sustain our party.
Joy Davis, Co-chair GPTX