Green Party of Texas State Convention
The Green Party of Texas will hold its Annual State Meeting on June 10 & 11 in Corpus Christi. Meeting rooms have been reserved at America's Best Value Inn, and delegates may reserve guest rooms at a discounted $50/night rate by mentioning they are booking with the GPTX group. To reserve your guest room, please contact the hotel directly at (361) 452-0504. We recommend that you reserve your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure space availability, however, there are also two other discount hotels (Valstay Inn & Suites and Howard Johnson) adjacent to the meeting location if additional capacity is needed.
Delegates to the state party will meet to elect officers & national delegates, as well as to update by-laws, platform, and engage in other party building activities. A preliminary draft agenda may be viewed here.
The deadline for county parties to submit by-law & platform amendments to the SEC will be April 26. The deadline for county parties to submit delegate lists to the SEC will be May 16. Individuals from unaffiliated counties who wish to attend the ASM as delegates must RSVP by May 16. Please refer to GPTX by-laws governing the ASM for additional information.
Officer positions up for election at this meeting include one co-chair, secretary and two (or three) at-large positions, as well as all nine national delegate positions. In order to run for a position, delegates may self-nominate even from the floor of the meeting, but it is requested that candidates inform the SEC of their intent to run in advance so that they may be listed in the meeting agenda.
Please check back with this event listing for additional information as it becomes available.
America's Best Value Inn
910 Corn Products Rd
Corpus Christi, TX 78409